The 16th annual All Good Music Festival & Camp Out, July 19-22, 2012, is moving a little bit west to the historic Legend Valley. For those who know your history or were a part of it, Legend Valley was formerly Buckeye Lake Music Center.
Located 30 minutes east of downtown Columbus, our new home in Thornville, Ohio was the site of some of the most memorable Grateful Dead shows ever plus historic shows by the Allman Brothers Band, Lollapalooza, AC/DC, numerous Hookahvilles and many more.
Parting is bittersweet. We will always treasure our time at Marvin’s Mountaintop. But we had to take a hard look at the negative impact the West Virginia site had on you, our fans, who sometimes spent 4 to 6 hours covering that last five miles under close scrutiny from authorities.
We had to weigh the impact of our traffic and presence on the local population and local officials who never warmed up to the festival, its legion of loyal fans and our “style”. In 2011 county officials went so far as to pass a crippling Mass Gathering Ordinance that directly targeted All Good and levied an outrageous tax on our event. We would much rather spend this money (your ticket money) on bands, safety and enhancements to your overall festival experience.
Legend Valley has a rich history of hosting similar events and Thornville is excited to have All Good roll into their town. The community is better suited to host us and grateful for the business that we will bring to their rural location.
For some of you in the east, the journey to All Good will be a longer drive, but with our entrance less than a mile off I-70, it may actually take you less time from your front door to your campsite.
For all of you, our new site means fast, unobstructed, wind-in-your-hair interstate travel, straight to the lot.
Grab your spot in the spacious camping pastures, and settle into the roomy, gently sloping amphitheater. No climbing and plenty of room to groove.
We’ll have your favorite bands, no-overlapping sets, state-of-the-art sound and lights, tons of heavy equipment, bathrooms, and dragon merch, but it won’t be All Good until you get there!
YOU make this festival! We can’t wait to see you again!
Peace and Music,
The All Good Family