Royal Holland recently visited Leesta Vall Sound Recordings in Brooklyn, NY to record an in office live-to-vinyl session with Engineer and owner of Leesta Vall Aaron Zimmer. The session took the course of a Saturday afternoon finding Holland and 3 members of backing band The Rotation (Freedom Nicole Moore, Matt Retherford and Charlie Smith) crammed into a tiny Brooklyn office space. The results of the session were 12 unique takes of 4 different Royal Holland songs (Demimonde, The Grave, Statues and Shore) cut in real time to vinyl record on a lathe that was made in the 1950’s.
“Watching Aaron work the lathe was like watching a mad scientist,” states Holland “He was constantly spraying the vinyl down and twisting knobs as we performed. The entire process was exhilarating, and when Aaron took the first record off the lathe and played it for us the crackles, warmth and instant feedback of the performance we had just finished gave the room a quiet magical quality. We knew these records were something special”
Holland and crew held a release party at Halyard’s in Brooklyn that evening and came close to selling out of the records. As of this press release only two of them (Demimonde take 2, and Shore take 3) are still available from the Leesta Vall website for $25.00 a piece.
Holland sees this as the start of a new wave of creative output, and doesn’t want fans of the music to be left out. As he makes plans to record his first full-length, live in-studio album with Brian Olive this summer, Holland has launched a new music subscription service named ‘The Royal Society’. For as low as $3 per month members who sign up will have access to Holland’s entire back catalog (currently the Unfolded EP trilogy), exclusive members only demos, tunes and discounts and any music he releases in the future as long as they stay subscribed.
“I’m truly perplexed by the current state of the music industry.” Holland states, “People don’t really buy music anymore which leaves one wondering ‘what is my craft worth?’ So, I’ve partnered with to create The Royal Society. It’s a way in which fans of my music can help sustain the costs of recording, touring and promotion that used to be covered by purchasing music. If folks have an extra $3 a month it will go a long way to help me continue to create new things.”
Fans can join The Royal Society by visiting Holland’s Bandcamp page